About Us

Hi there, I’m Rich.
I am the one that takes most of the photos
and produces the content for the website!
I’m a photographer living and working in the South of England. When I’m not shooting, I am out exploring in our ‘van, with my Family.

Meet Suzanne, an amazing wife, and mum. Takes great care of us all, and ensures we have tasty, healthy dinners as she is generally in charge of the cooking when we are away!

Awesome son, football and Xbox fan.
Embraced the Campervan life since our first hire back in 2017 when he wasn’t even 3 yet!
Driving Horizons is a Campervan, RV and Travel Resourse. At the time of typing, we own and travel in a VW California. More on this coming soon!
We both love to travel, see new places, and enjoy life on the road. We have taken many amazing road trip holidays around the USA and Canada, while we have never taken one of these trips in a Campervan, or RV, it is certainly on the Bucket List.
Max has been travelling since virtually he was born, and his extensive trip locations include Paris, USA (3 times), Canada, Romeand a Norwegian Fjotd Cruise. And of course may UK tips, in and out of the Van.
About Driving Horizons
So what can you expect from this website? Well, over the coming years, we hope to develop it into a complete Campervan and Travel resource site.
There will be articles and videos all about camping and outdoor gear. We occasionally share things about Tech, and what we use and like while on the road.
There will be campsite reviews of every single campsite we stay at. We always enjoy a good walk or hike and love to share our stories on these too.
All of this usually feeds back to the whole VanLife living, and although not full time, we head out as often as we can!