In this week’s episode, we visit East Devon and check out some great sights and things to do around the area. We also take a short trip to Arne, in Dorset, and there is a quick update on the channel’s future.
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Transcription of Podcast – Auto-Generated so apologies for any weird words!!
Hello, everybody. It’s Friday, December the 10th, this is episode 30, and welcome back to the podcast. Hello, hello, hello and good morning, good afternoon or good evening to whenever and wherever you are listening to this podcast today, it is great to have you welcome.
If you’re new here. Welcome. And if you are returning visitor and welcome back, it’s great to have all of you and welcome to the show is another Friday. Another week has gone by and as you may know, I am still catching up on talking about all the things I’ve done over the past few months.
Today, I’m going to talk about a couple of things that we have done in September with the help of my photo library, because that is how I kind of track and remind myself where I’ve been and what we did.
So I’m going to be flicking between screens. If you hear the odd click, that will be why. What if you are new here, then what is this podcast all about? Well, it is about mainly UK travel and largely in our camper van is done in conjunction with my website, Richard dot com, and also with the few videos
that I put out over on YouTube, which is forward slash Richard Chubb. And this week I’ve made a bit of a decision to really focus on. They’re going to stick with UK travel, but I’m really going to concentrate on the campervan side of things and you know, it’s tough to get out all the time with a
family and school and things like that. So I’m going to be doing a little mini trips, possibly on my own day trips out in the van, sharing tips and tricks that I do when I’m out and about and talking about the gear that I use and any tips or advice I can think of.
So if you are a campervan lover, you have definitely come to the right place. If you are just generally a travel lover again, you’re in the right place, particularly if that is UK. And if you have some weird fascination with listening to a strange person talk, then you are also in the right place.
So we are going to quickly jump to watch a bit of a catch up to take take you around a few places because one, we did a trip in September that it was only one trip, but we got to see lots and lots.
So let us transport you on an adventure to East Devon. We had three nights in a campsite called Oak Down Tauren Park or I think is Oak Down Touring and Holiday Park something like that? Really good campsites. It’s got a great some great facilities there.
Nice big, spacious pitches, award winning according to all the signs they’ve got everywhere around the park. And so it was a great campsite, great for the kids. There was a play park and a, you know, golf like a little pitch and thing and, you know, nearby lots of places to see which I’ll get into.
And we it took us about two and a half hours to get there from the new forest. We headed out west to East Devon and we stopped at Lyme Regis first and foremost, which is a great little beach side of COVI type.
And there’s not really a cove, actually. It’s a sort of pebble shingle, beach fishing, lots of fishing boats hanging around and the usual beachside attractions, kayaks and trampoline and things like that. We had lunch in the van and took a walk along the beach as a as a little break up of the journey, and then we got
tied down and parked up on a pitch. That was it was very nice. It was very spacious. We were obviously a few tents and camper vans that obviously had come together. He had never quite sure what to expect, but everything was fine.
They were respectful. We wasn’t noisy. The noise and more noise from the road that ran along the side of our pitch. But you know, you can’t. We’ve got to get to these places. There’s going to be a road somewhere.
We just I’m fortunate enough to get one. That was the other side of the hedge. But you know, we survived the call and down at night time, the campsites self, the toilets were gray, the showers were gray and they had camping pods there, clear skies at night.
So sort of set out under the stars in the Sun, where this was September. So it wasn’t brilliant in the evening, but we made the most of it. The facilities were good. They had everything you need washing up, obviously all indoors.
Laundry, yeah, you know, it was all clean and tidy and big and spacious and warm and well-kept, and you can kind of see why it’s one. Devon’s multi award winning holiday park has splattered over the sign as you walk in there.
So yeah, it was fun. We’d go back. Absolutely. We had two or three nights there, so we had two full days there the first day we threw the bikes on the back of the van and. Went to see Tom Wetlands and did a little tour around the wetlands, great, if you’re a nature lover or if you want
to have a walk around and look at the the marshes and the wildlife and do it upon the pain and learn a few things, then then that’s the place to be alongside the wetlands. Is it the tramway which we wish we did go on the next day, which I’ll tell you about in a second, but we left
the company parked in Seaton Cemetery, which is free parking there if you visit in the wetlands. And we left the car there and we cycled into Seaton seats in town, which is right on the beach, had a couple of drinks.
It was on one of the cycle networks, a national cycle route to, I think it was or it could have been three. Then I take a picture of it. I’m not sure that I did. But anyway, you can cycle down this side of the side of the we leave the wetlands and you go through the footpaths and
eventually you come out in actually pops out at a car park right off their seats and tramway. So really convenient if you’re looking to do both in one day we did and we had a drink and cycled back again before spending the evening at the the campsite.
The next day, we did go on the tram. We bought the tickets first thing in the morning and the tram leaves from Seaton and travels up to a place called Clyfford. You had the choice to get off at Cullerton, if you like.
And it was really cool. Is good to see. The old thing still being maintained and still running is obviously a tourist thing now rather than a practical thing. Or maybe some people use it as a practical thing, but they go every sort of 20 or 30 minutes and it’s not that cheap.
So it may be more of a leisure thing, but we had fun on it. We got off a qualified try to get lunch in the town of Collingwood, but I guess it doesn’t get much, much business because everything shut down at 2:00.
You still get drinks. I think a lot of cafes closed after lunch. The pub stopped serving food, so we ended up eating at Collingwood Station, which had a café inside. And it was good. You know, the food is decent enough, nothing spectacular, but it certainly wasn’t, you know, very edible.
And we’d certainly consider again if we happened to be to be passing through. The whole thing takes about 20 minutes if you don’t get off and 20 minutes back again. But it is worth getting off and having a wander around looking give as a gift shop, shock horror and just have a check out and see what’s around
and walk in to qualify. There’s nice views on the way up to the hills, and the tramway runs in between the wetlands and the river acts. So on one side, you have great views out to sea to them wetlands, and on the other side you can see the river acts in the hills beyond their home.
The weather was pretty good. Some was out. Was it roasting, but certainly really quite pleasant. And if you are in the area, check it out. Everything I’m talking about now, you can find on the website or on the YouTube channel.
If you want to learn a bit more about the wetlands and the the new I’m clapping and the tramway. Then it was what did we do then? We visited Grand Scheme Cove and we are disappointed that we didn’t spend more time there because it was a lovely, lovely little cove.
The Sun was thinking about setting people, having barbecues on the beach and, you know, just like, relatively warm at this stage. Still, because the sun was still up, it’s kind of a cool place. You could see yourself hanging around till the sun falls and the sunsets and enjoying the evening with a cold beer or two.
But we didn’t because we had hoped we had dinner reservations at local pub, which is nothing spectacular. And then it was back to the campsite for the evening, back out, down to park. If you can hear some banging in the background our neighbors are having building work done, that might be why, but you probably can’t because hopefully
the microphone is doing its job and the next day was our day for check out and we packed up and headed and we headed home or we headed towards home, but not before stopping at the donkey sanctuary and free to enter.
They do rely a lot on donations, as you can imagine, because it is a charity, I believe, but it’s a great place to spend, probably no more than two hours. If you want to have a look at the donkeys, how they looked after and you know it’s fun for the kids, they can learn loads about them and
and see them up close. And there’s also a play park there with. A tractor, and it’s just good to find out about how they live and and you know what the charity does there, so lots of information, there’s a gift shop you won’t be surprised to hear.
And yeah, it’s a good way to kill a couple of hours before we headed home. And that brings that trip to an end. And the next the next little trip we did was just really a local war. We went on, which is a little nature reserve in not far from where I’m aware of forest and is right
down by the beach, by the beaches, by. I’m just going through my pictures now. It was kind of near where the river runs. I’m just going have a quick look at the map so I can understand exactly the body of water that we were looking at over there on bay.
And it goes kind of near Pearl Harbor in Dorset. So we spent an hour or two at walking around taking photos. Nothing real. Major issue, nice again. A little nature reserve. If you wanted to just spend some time with nature and transport some birds out over the harbor and the bay there by kind of a beach, but
nothing that you’d want to spend a whole day, I wouldn’t have thought. And yeah, that’s really been there before. We’d like to go back and perhaps do a little bit more in there because there’s lots to explore. Biloxi, Arizona.
I think we took the bike we were staying with. We weren’t staying, so we took the bikes on the back of the camper van and we cycled from. I think we might have stayed a family member’s house there.
She sounds that lives near where. So we stayed with him and the next day took the bikes down to along the river and into our own. And it was, yeah, it was good. It was a nice cycle ride along the river there, if you care for the pedestrian.
But there’s now a few roads we had to go along, but they weren’t too bad who looked the bikes up in the car park where it’s all coming back to me now because I didn’t take many photos, but just to let you know it’s a great place to go if you’re looking for somewhere in the area and
you like walks and nature and things like that. So that was on, and that’s really all I’m going to talk about this week. I have a couple of more things I’m going to save for the rest of this year before I really turn my attention to the whole van life and campervan side of things.
So I guess there’s not much left for me to say, but to shamelessly plug my website, which Capcom and also my YouTube channel forward slash fiction shop. There are videos and blog posts and tips and tricks and sights and sounds on there, something I’d never done before.
If you want to support the channel, I don’t want anything from you other than a review. If you like what you’re hearing or sign up for the more or less over and ask him for anything else other than that he just makes means a lot to me to know that people listening to get a bit
of value from it. And if there’s anything you’d like to say, then why not put me an email from my website? That is all I’m going to say for now. I’ve been rambling on for probably about 14 or 15 minutes, and I will let you get back to your days.
Thank you so much for watching, for watching. I hope you’re not watching this that we re boring, but thank you so much for listening. Stay safe. Happy travels, and I’ll see you next week.
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