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Tag - road trip

7 of the Best Reasons for a Campervan Holiday

There are many reasons why Campervans are great. I want to list my best reasons for a campervan holiday, and you can let me know if you agree. Traveling around the UK is perfect in a campervan, and here is why. Yes, 5* Luxury accommodation is brilliant (just ask my wife), but for true...

UK Road Trips - North Coast 500

UK Road Trips and 5 You Need to Take

So, in these uncertain times, there may be no travelling abroad for a while. As a result, now is a perfect opportunity to take that UK Road Trip. Although, if you are reading this during the 2020 LockDown thanks to the Coronavirus, then don’t take one just yet. Save your UK Travel...

Campervanning Cornwall Day 4 – More car trouble

So we woke up after the first night in out hired VW camper van, with the plan to see Cornwall in a campervan. Weather was better, in as much as it wasn’t raining. See how we fared on Day 1 It was off to the showers for a freshen up and then back for a nice campervan breakfast...

Campervanning Cornwall for 5 days

Campervanning Cornwall for 5 days – A Rough Itinerary. The sun streams through the curtainless windows, piercing your eyelids and waking you not long after dawn. You rack your brains to work out why you didn’t pull the curtains across the windows of your VW Campervan...

How was our first campervan trip?

You may recall a previous post, that we were thinking of a campervan trip? Well, we did it, we have done our first campervan trip. How did we do I hear you ask? Well, have a read. We went away the Tuesday after Easter here in the U.K. Since bought a camper, and love it. We can...