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Tag - uk travel

Here are 6 Fun Things to see and do near Seaton, Devon

Seaton is a great little seaside town on the South Devon Coast. We have visited a couple of times recently, and have been able to put together this summary of 6 Fun Things to see and do near Seaton, Devon. We visited with our 7-year-old, so many of these things were with him in mind, but...

Travel Stories: Concierge Camping – It didn’t start well

We sit here in the Concierge Camping bar area. An apple juice for Max. A Gin & Tonic for Suzanne, and a pint of Madri for me. Next to the drinks is a bag of Haribo Star Mix. We didn’t have to pay a single penny for any of this. It was all free. Yes, that’s right. All FREE...